martedì 4 agosto 2009

Wine Kit..

Son duc in ferment: oramai si pol fa su Chianti, Barolo e cuissà altri ce cun tun poc di polvarinis, buine aghe frescje e tante chimiche. Si trate dai Wine Kit che si puedin ciatà su sit tipo chist, cun polvarins ancje par fà le bire. Ce chel ven fur ( no puedi clamalu vin) je une robe. Cussì dis le publicitàt: "Vintners Reserve, the first 28-day winemaking kit, contains 100% pure varietal grape juice and concentrate. This wine kit continues to set the standard in its category by yielding wines of excellent quality, flavor and aroma. Vintners Reserve offers a wide range of varieties that allow the winemaker to experience numerous styles and tastes. Produces approximately thirty 750ml bottles, ready to bottle in 1 month, ready to drink in 1-2 months."
Sperin che i furlans no scumenzin a doprà chistis robis....

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